There are two main ways you could be earning more money. The first is by selling your products/services to more people. The second is by selling more to your current customers – upselling. The second option is more accessible and less expensive because you don’t have acquisition costs, you’ve already established trust with your customers, and if they bought once, they are more likely to buy again.
Read on to learn more about:
- What upselling is and its importance
- How to choose the right upsell
- Upselling examples for you to copy
What is upselling?
An Upsell is an additional useful offer you show your customers after buying something. It should be related to what they’ve bought. For example, if they buy a course about content management, your post-purchase upsell can be a course about copywriting or ads. They might find those skills valuable if they want to organize their content.
Upsells are different to order bumps.
Why should I have an upsell page?
You should only have an upsell funnel if you want to increase the average order value of your online store and earn more money 🙂 It also helps with increased brand loyalty and customer lifetime value.
With the upsell #1 in place, you can expect 20-40% of people to send the product on the checkout page and buy it. Upsell #2 will also work, but around 10-30% of people will buy this one.
Make sure to set up only one-click upsell funnels. Those are the ones that convert the best. I’ll explain why.
A customer’s journey goes like this: i) They come to your website, browse, and find a product they want to buy ii) They get to the order page, leave their credit card information, and click buy iii) After they’ve bought the product, instead of telling them “thank you and goodbye”, you show them your upsell page. On this sales page, you offer them something additional that goes well with what they already bought, and you offer them to click the buy button to get that additional product for only $x. They don’t have to enter their payment details or insert their credit card number again because they’ve already done that. That’s why it’s called a one-click upsell funnel. They are just one click away from another purchase Get Your FREE Personalized Report
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Choosing the right upsell
When deciding what you should offer as an upsell, think about what would be the next logical step for your customer to buy. How can you help them more? Offer them something additional or the next step to reach their goal faster.
Your post-purchase upselling offers should be connected to what your customer bought from you.
Upselling examples
If someone bought an English language workbook or A2 course, the upsell can be an English language B1 grammar course, as shown in the example below:

Make sure your upsell offer page indicates that their purchase is confirmed, but before they leave, they should consider your other offer. Here are some upsell page examples from Russel Brunson:

The price is important
The idea is to find an upsell offer you can price at that sweet spot that will get people to think, “Oh yes! I have to have it!“.
What I’ve seen work best was $67 up to $199. From the calculations I’ve done based on my clients’ results, that is what brought their business the most revenue. But, it is not a rule, and clients often go for a different price. $300 upsells could also work, but you’ll need a good product-market fit to maximize your offer.
Take a look at the upsell examples below. Our client decided to use the Bootcamp as an upsell after the main offer, which was $27. The upsell price is much higher, but the value given to the clients is huge.

If you offer courses & memberships, you could try positioning the membership as an upsell. A different client of mine had the main offer priced at $199, going into a membership upsell for $79/mo.

How many upsells should you have?
You can have unlimited upsells, but you’ll probably annoy people if you do. What you choose will depend on how many products you have. Generally, 1 is enough, 2 is preferable, 3 is maximum, and more than 3 rarely works. If someone doesn’t buy an upsell, you can offer a downsell – which is a lower-priced offer that’s still connected to what they’ve bought.
In most cases, one upsell is enough to start earning more.
Here are two upselling examples and a downsell. This is how it works: If a person buys upsell #1, they are offered #2. If they don’t buy upsell #1, they are offered the downsell.
In this example, the main offer was Facebook ads Bootcamp which cost $19, discounted from $199.
Upsell 1 is FB ads playbook:

Upsell #2 Google Ads Mastery for a special price – 80% off

Here’s a downsell example. This is for those who haven’t bought Upsell #1, so we want to offer them something cheaper but still very useful and connected to their main purchase (Facebook Ads Bootcamp).

Here’s another upselling example from Fit2Fat2Fit. First, there’s upsell #1

Then, there’s upsell #2. You can see and show that with the loading bar at the beginning of the page.

Numbers don’t lie
You are probably now thinking, “Okay, it sounds like it could work, but how do I know my clients will buy it?” Well, it’s all in the numbers, and numbers don’t lie. Based on our experience and benchmark data, if you have a good product/market fit, you can expect 20-40% of people to buy upsell #1, and 10-30% will buy upsell #2.
What does that mean for your revenue?
If the product you’re offering is $67 and 100 people buy it, your revenue is $6,700. That’s already awesome… But if you have an upsell #1 at $149 and, let’s say, 22% of people take it, that’s another $3,278 in your pocket. Now you have $6,700 + $3,278, which is $9,978.
See it now? By this point, I hope you understand why upselling is essential and why I always try to use it in my clients’ funnels. They work wonders.
Follow up with your clients
To make sure more people buy your upsell offer, set up follow up emails. I suggest setting up an email sequence of 3-4 follow-up emails which include more information about the product, a detailed explanation of how they’ll benefit from buying it, and a call to action. The emails should go out in 48-72 hrs.
So, if your clients don’t buy the upsell while purchasing the main offer, don’t worry; follow up.
After you’ve scheduled your follow up emails, upsells are set up. Implement some of these upselling examples into your sales funnel, and you’ll see your bottom line grow. If you want help setting up your offers or want to learn more about funnels and upsells, contact us here.
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- The most consistent way we found to generate more revenue after scaling hundreds of offers
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