Free Personalized Report Reveals:

How to Double Your Course Sales in 2 months… (Without spending a dime on advertising)

We’ve helped course creators in every niche (from dog training to digital art to real estate investment) more than double their monthly sales.

Now it’s your turn. Using our specialized 9-point analysis, our team will create a private and personalized report for you that shows how to double your online course sales.

To get your free personalized report - complete our short questionnaire. (It takes 3 minutes).
Then, we’ll evaluate your answers and follow up with your report within 72 hours.

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Inside Your Free Report, You’ll Discover:

How Much

We’ll show you how much you could and should be making from your courses.


You’ll find out where you’re leaving money on the table… and how you can easily convert more customers who WANT your courses!


You’ll discover exactly how you can realize a 200% increase in sales (or more!) in the next 2 months.

*Our analysis is based on years of experience helping course creators increase their sales. And the guidance you will get from us is practical and actionable… NOT theoretical.

Profit increase report PDF

The Truth is… our techniques have a documented track record of increasing monthly course sales by an average of 428%

How do we produce these abnormally high results?

We strictly focus on the techniques that work.

Instead of giving our students and clients a list of “marketing chores” to do… or recommending they invest their life savings in Facebook Ads…

… we leverage the 80/20 of course sales.

After working with course creators in almost every niche, we’ve compiled a shortlist of carefully selected techniques that are proven to increase sales.

Some of these techniques can be implemented in a single afternoon… and they will grow your revenue by as much as 50%.

Others take a little more time to execute. But all of them will do one thing – increase your sales!

And when you request your free, personalized report…

… We’ll show you which of these techniques will work the fastest and deliver the biggest ROI for you!

What happens after I request my Personalized Report?

After you answer our short questionnaire, we’ll use our proprietary 9-point system to see which revenue-increasing techniques can do the most for you.

Then one of our experienced revenue engineers will personally review your submission.

All of their analysis will go into a personalized and private report just for you.

This report will include easy-to-follow, actionable next steps for growing your course sales.

And if you have any questions, you’ll have the opportunity to get on a call with one of our revenue engineers. On that call, they’ll go over each and every finding in your report with you.

Rest assured, when we compile your report, we don’t share your information with anyone!

Only my team will see your questionnaire answers.

You might be wondering how we can offer such a valuable evaluation for free?

Many of the course creators we do these reports for love what they see so much…

… they go on to join our coaching program or become clients.

In fact… 

These Fellow Course Creators Started Right Where You Are Today:

“My sales more than doubled in one month, without advertising or increasing my traffic. And that happened while I was on Holiday! So yeah, it’s even better than I was expecting!”

–  Dennis Moons, Store Growers

Dennis Moons, Store Growers
Symon He, LearnBNB

“Within the first two months we doubled… the income directly from our organic traffic”

– Symon He, LearnBNB

“… the number of leads and revenue was growing every week. 

– David Bellevue , Paintable

David Bellevue , Paintable
Jonathan Green, Serve No Master

“… made 10% more revenue across my entire business in just two weeks.”

– Jonathan Green, Serve No Master

“…. the course sales are twice what they were last year “

– David Vignola, Home Recording Made Easy

David Vignola, Home Recording Made Easy
Rob Dix, The Property Hub

“… we made thousands of pounds worth of sales in the first couple of weeks.”

– Rob Dix, The Property Hub

Data-Driven Marketing Are A Multinational Team Of Experts In Various Fields: Funnel Building, Social Media Advertising, Copywriting, Analytics, Marketing.
© Copyright 2025 Data-Driven Marketing. All rights reserved

Data Driven Demand Company Number 11542028 registered in England and Wales. Trading as Data Driven Marketing.

Registered address: Victoria House, 50 Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Se, SS1 1BN

We’ll increase your conversions by 20-100%